Home Case Studies Pointers on Maintaining Your Sprinkler Systems in the Winter

Pointers on Maintaining Your Sprinkler Systems in the Winter

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Pointers on Maintaining Your Sprinkler Systems in the Winter
judd fire protection maintaining your sprinkler systems in the winter

Here are some pointers for maintaining your sprinkler systems in the winter.

Winter is here, and the icy, freezing temperatures in Maryland can harm your pipes, especially your fire sprinkler system. Maintaining your sprinkler systems in the winter protects property and people. As the temperature may drop very low during the winter season in many parts of the region, your fire sprinkler system’s pipes might freeze. Here are some pointers for maintaining your sprinkler systems in the winter.

Maintaining Wet Sprinklers

A wet sprinkler system includes a network of pipes and has water. During winter, you must keep the sprinkler valves and pipes above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Sometimes, this becomes problematic when a property or business owner chooses to shut off the heat to save money when the building is empty. If any part of the pipe shows freezing temperatures, it can damage and crack the sprinkler system and other structural areas. Try out the following tips for preventing frozen pipes:

  • Combine an antifreeze solution with water to keep it from freezing during cold weather. Also, make sure to contact a professional fire protection company to ensure you integrate the proper amount of solution to water.
  • Supervise the temperature levels and confirm sufficient insulation so the freezing temperatures do not affect the wet systems.

Maintaining Dry Sprinklers

If you have a dry sprinkler system, the pipes have air instead of water to protect unheated areas such as storage areas or parking garages. Since no water is in the pipes, you don’t have to worry about frozen water damaging the system. However, there are some things you can do to safeguard your dry sprinkler system from freezing temperatures. Follow these methods for maintaining your sprinkle systems in the winter:

  • It’s critical to constantly drain the pipe system during the winter because it might collect moisture and condensation, resulting in blockages.
  • Ensure the valve room has heat.
  • Make sure the valves are correctly positioned – the top valve must be open, and the bottom valve should be closed.

Schedule a Fire Sprinkler System Inspection

Professionals can agree that the most effective method to ensure your fire sprinkler system is properly working is to schedule regular inspection and maintenance services throughout the year. So, you can trust a reputable expert from a professional fire protection company such as Judd Fire Protection to ensure you are maintaining your sprinkler systems in the winter.

Commercial and Residential Fire Prevention Enquire Now

If you want to ensure your home and business are safe throughout the year, trust Judd Fire Protection, LLC. We have over two decades of experience designing, installing, inspecting, and repairing residential and commercial fire protection systems. We serve clients throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. If you are interested in finding out more about our services and protecting your home and business, give us a call at 410-871-3480.

The post Pointers on Maintaining Your Sprinkler Systems in the Winter appeared first on Judd Fire Protection.

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