Home Legislation Reducing False Fire Alarms in Houston: Guidelines, Fees, and Violation Consequences

Reducing False Fire Alarms in Houston: Guidelines, Fees, and Violation Consequences

by Fire Safety Nation
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Reducing False Fire Alarms in Houston: Guidelines

Classification of Alarm System:

  • Group A: An alarm system with no more than 10 alarm actuating devices.
  • Group B: An alarm system with 11 to 100 alarm actuating devices.
  • Group C: An alarm system with 101 or more alarm actuating devices.

False Response Fire Alarm Fees:

  • Group A: Five false fire alarms result in a fee of $402.55 for each additional false alarm.
  • Group B: Fifteen false fire alarms incur the same fee per excess response.

Fees are due within 30 days of the city mailing the false alarm confirmation notice, with a 30% penalty if not paid within 90 days. A hearing can be requested within 30 days to dispute false alarms.


Violations may result in a misdemeanor charge, punishable by a fine ranging from $250 to $2000 per offense. Corporations and entities may also be held responsible for the actions of their agents.

Revocation of Permit:

A permit may be revoked for failure to pay fees, excessive false alarms, or any circumstance that would be a basis for denial. Appeals can be made within 15 days of the denial or revocation notice.

General Information:

  • Permit term is one year, non-transferable.
  • Single-family residential dwellings are exempt.
  • Newly installed alarm systems have a three-month exemption from false alarm fees.

Contact OUSTFIRE SAFETY ENGINEERS PVT. LTD for Seamless Navigation:

For expert guidance in navigating the City of Houston Fire Alarm Installation Process, contact OUSTFIRE SAFETY ENGINEERS PVT. LTD. Simplify compliance, ensure a smooth process, and contribute to a safer community.

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